The Los Angeles Black Worker Center (LABWC) is a grassroots non-profit organization committed to improving the living and working conditions of Black workers across Los Angeles. They lead advocacy efforts to influence policy, corporate practices, and government initiatives in favor of stronger labor protections, fair wages, and workplace equity.
The Los Angeles Black Worker Center wanted to modernize their brand and their website. The integration of bold typography, symbolic patterns, and intimate photography makes the new brand as dynamic, meaningful and powerful as the community it represents. This brand was applied a bold new website, packed with information and resources.
I worked with the Los Angeles Black Worker Center’s internal designer and their brand guide. I pulled together the provided fonts, colors, and patterns to create the structure and ecosystem of the LABWC brand.
After extensive UX audits, competitor analyses, and client workshops, I created iterative sitemaps that served as the foundation for the website build. I used this birdseye view to establish site hierarchy and taxonomy, and to determine the number of unique page templates that would need to be designed and built. This allowed for modularity and structural flexibility from wireframes to launch.
The addition of a resource directory allows the client to consolidate their mass of knowledge and community resources into one place. The end users are able to filter the resource by category and find information or organizations for legal aid, housing support, food aid, healthcare, workers' rights and more.
The playful patterns and graphic elements of the design give opportunity for dynamic brand collateral, ranging from vibrant and energetic, to refined and focused.